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Picture a stunning island where every corner is filled with everything and everyone you cherish. The sun warms your skin, a gentle breeze carries the scent of treasured memories, and laughter and joy dance in the air. Life and happiness flourish all around. Imagine living here, feeling safe and loved, surrounded by those who uplift and inspire you every day. It feels incredible, doesn’t it? This is the vision that inspires our journey aboard BrainBadge.

Let's Set Sail Together

Our course is set toward Inclusion Island, though the path ahead is uncharted. We’re embarking on a voyage filled with challenges, growth, and new opportunities for inclusion. The journey won’t always be smooth, and its length is uncertain, but we are dedicated to making our inclusive vision a reality.

Learn the Ropes

Learn the Ropes

Our next leg is a 12-month journey toward greater inclusion in your organization. While it’s only one part of a much longer voyage, this leg will help you learn the ropes, acquire essential tools, build effective practices, and develop the skills, strategies, and mindset needed for lasting impact.

Boarding Pass

Get Your Boarding Pass

Before setting sail, you’ll need to get your boarding pass by completing key preparatory steps. This includes designing your Crew Badge, developing a Personal Profile to connect with your team, and creating an Organization Profile to align with your company’s values and goals.

Chart the Course

Chart the Course

Once onboard, we’ll chart the course for the next 12 months. This involves planning your inclusion journey with clear goals, an inspiring vision, and a strategic approach. We’ll also conduct horizon scanning to anticipate challenges and opportunities, ensuring a well-defined path forward.

Set Sail

Set Sail

With your course charted, it’s time to set sail. We’ll develop user profiles, prioritize solutions, and create clear action plans to achieve your inclusion goals. By ensuring everyone is fully engaged, we’ll navigate towards impactful and lasting change.


Before Coming Onboard, You’ll Need to Get Your Boarding Pass

Boarding Pass

To officially join the crew, you’ll need to complete the following preparatory steps. This phase ensures you’re ready for the exciting journey ahead and helps you sail smoothly toward Inclusion Island.


  • Crew Badge: Design a badge to identify yourself and build confidence using Miro.

  • Personal Profile: Share your background, relationships, and thoughts on inclusion to connect with your team while sharpening your Miro skills.

  • Organization Profile: Align with your organization's purpose, vision, and values. This creates a shared understanding and direction for the journey ahead.

The 12-Month Leg: What’s Included

Access to Comprehensive Learning Resources: You’ll receive a full set of tools and resources to guide your team’s inclusion journey.


10 Hours of Expert Online Facilitation: Engage with expert facilitators who will support you and keep your team on track throughout the journey.


Tailored for Teams of 5-10 People: This program is designed for collaboration, with a maximum of 10 participants for optimal engagement and effectiveness.


Join the Crew for $5,000 per Year.


For $5,000 a year, your team will gain access to all learning resources and expert facilitation to develop your strategic plan for the next 12 months. You’ll also receive a free introductory onboarding session for your team to help kickstart your journey. This is just one leg of our longer voyage—each step brings us closer to Inclusion Island.


Additional Support Available: Need extra facilitation or support beyond the included hours? Additional expert facilitation is available at $350/hour to ensure your team stays on course.


Ready to Set Sail?


Send a message to book a 30-Minute Meeting: Let’s discuss how the BrainBadge program can help your organization chart its course toward inclusion. Secure your spot aboard BrainBadge and start your journey today!​

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